User Access Reports
Usage of the plugin
Last updated
Usage of the plugin
Last updated
The user has to click the Reports plugin on the Avo Assure home page, and the Testing Reports window will be displayed.
The user has to click the Functional Test icon to view the functional test report.
The user has to select the project from the Select Project drop-down.
The user has to select the batch/module from the Select Batch/Module drop-down.
Once the user selects the module/batch, the system will display executions for the selected module/batch. Note: To view the reports, select the execution instance from the list of executions. The system will display these executions in sorted order (oldest to latest).
The user has to select the execution instance, and the system will display its executed scenarios.
To view the additional information regarding execution, the user has to click the Expand icon. Note: If the user expands the scenario entry, the screen will display additional information regarding its execution.
The user has to click the Export JSON icon to download the JSON format report.
The user has to click the Export PDF without Screenshots icon to download the PDF format (without screenshot) report.
The user has to click the Export PDF with Screenshots icon to download the PDF format (with screenshot) report.
The user has to click the View HTML report icon to view the HTML report.
If the user clicks the View HTML Report icon, the report of the selected scenario will navigate to new Avo Assure Execution Report tab.
If the user wants to export the report in JSON format, then the user has to click the Download icon, and click the Export JSON button.
Once the JSON format report is exported, the screen will display a toast message Exported Report File Successfully.
The result summary table displays the execution Result Summary. The result summary table (Collapsible Panel) includes: a) Scenario Name b) Project c) Domain d) Cycle e) Release f) Overall Status g) Start Date and Time h) End Date and Time i) Time Elapsed j) Test Case Status (Pass, Fail, and Terminated)
The user can view the Test Step Table, and the test step table includes the following details. a) Step No: Step number in the sequence, which got executed in every test case. b) Expected Result: Description of the operation performed in the step. A combination of Keywords and Input is given in the Design Test Case Screen. c) Actual Result: The actual result is provided in the details column of the test case authoring page. d) Status: The status for each test step can be Pass, Fail, or Terminated. e) Time Elapsed: Time taken by the test step to complete. f) Jira Defect ID: Issue ID of the defect logged on Jira (if any). g) Azure Defect ID: Issue ID of the defect logged on Azure DevOps (if any).
The user can filter the test step Status with the help of Filter by drop-down. The system will display the Passed test steps if the user selects the Pass status. The system will display the Failed test steps if the user selects the Fail status. The system will display the Terminated test steps If the user selects the Terminated status.
The user has to click the Report Bug drop-down, to report the bug in Jira or Azure DevOps.
The user has to click the Filter by drop-down, to filter the Test Steps based on the status (Pass, Fail, or Terminated).
The PDF report will be downloaded in the system’s default download location. The PDF will contain the following sections:
I. Report Generated Date and Time.
II. The result summary includes:
Browser Type
Browser Version
Overall Status (Pass, Fail or Terminate)
Test Case Status (% will be displayed based on the test step status: Pass/Fail/Terminated)
Start Date and Time
End Date and Time
Elapsed Time
III. Test Step table will be displayed with the following details: a) Sl No: Serial number of each row in the report. b) Test Step No: Unique generated number corresponding to each test step in a test case. c) Expected Result: The expected result is provided in the details column of the test case authoring page. d) Actual Result: The actual result is provided in the details column of the test case authoring page. e) Status: The status for each test step is displayed, and on click of it will navigate to that particular screenshot within the same PDF. f) Elapsed Time: Time taken by a test step to complete. g) Jira Defect ID: Issue ID of the defect logged on Jira (if any).
The user has to click the Reports plugin on the Avo Assure home page, and the Testing Reports window will be displayed.
The user has to click the Accessibility Test icon to view the accessibility test report.
The user has to select the project from the Select Project drop-down.
The user has to select the release from the Select Release drop-down.
The user has to select the cycle from the Select Cycle drop-down.
The user has to select the screen from the Select Screen drop-down. Note: Drop-downs are searchable, so the dropdown content can be filtered based on the entered value.
On selecting the screen, the accessibility-enabled executions for the selected screen will be displayed. To view the reports, the user has to select the execution instance from the list of executions. Note: These executions will be displayed in sorted order (oldest to latest).
On the selection of the execution instance, its executions for the selected testing standards will be displayed.
To view the report on the browser, the user has to click the View HTML report icon. The report of the selected testing standard will be displayed in a new browser tab.
The opened report will have the following information:
The Result Summary (a collapsible panel) includes: a) Standard Name: The name of the selected standard. b) Screen Name: The name of the tested screen. c) URL: The URL of the tested screen. d) No. of Rules Tested: These are the number of rules tested on the screen. e) No. of Elements Tested: These are the total number of elements tested on the screen within the rules. f) Browser used for Testing: The browser name used for the accessibility testing. g) Result Status of the Elements: This is the percentage of elements that passed or failed for the selected standard. Note: On Hover, it will show a tooltip depicting the percentage of elements along with the severity of it.
The Rules Table will be displayed with the following details. a) Sl No: Sequential number of the executed rules for the screen. b) Description: Description of the rule. c) Status: The status of the rule. d) Impact: The impact of the rule. e) Proceed icon: To view the detailed information (on elements of the selected screen) of the rule.
The (Rule’s) Descriptions can be filtered based on the status or the impact. Rules based on any status or impact can be viewed using the ‘Filter by’ option. The rules of the selected status or impact will appear in the Rules section, and the unselected ones will be filtered out.
On clicking the Proceed icon for any rule, the user will be redirected to the Elements screen for the selected rule. The Elements screen consists of the following details.
Rule name
The Element Table will be displayed with the following details: a) Sl No: Sequential number of the element in the executed rules. b) Elements: To depict the element type. These are collapsible rows. On expanding the row, the element’s HTML code will be displayed. c) Status: Status of the rule on the element. d) Info icon: To view information such as the description, help, and impact.
To view the information, such as the description, help, and impact. The user has to click the Info icon.
To view the element’s HTML code, the user has to expand the row.
Collapsible screenshot panel (On hiding the screenshot panel, the Element Table will widen and occupy the screen space).