Dropdown/ List
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Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch all values present in the dropdown/list and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
User can fetch values using array format (Ex: {all_values[0]};{all_values[1]})
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the tool fetches the Values present in the dropdown/list and stores them in {all_values} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {get}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the total number of options present in the dropdown.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the tool fetches the number of values present in the dropdown and stores it in {cnt} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {StatusGC}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the selected value from the dropdown and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
Note: If the value present in the dropdown has space(s) at suffix/prefix, then user can provide input as “1”, which will trim the spaces.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the selected value will be fetched and stored in the variable {sel_txt} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the dropdown value using index given in the input and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Input Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: Only numerical values are allowed in input. The index starts with “0” which will be the first value from the list.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the value text will be fetched from the provided Index and stored in variable {Index_Val} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the value from dropdown based on the exact text provided in the input.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<value/option to be selected, exact text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
This keyword selects the values given in the input. To see the selected values, tester should use “getSelected” keyword after select keyword.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the provided exact value will be selected in the dropdown/list and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {SelText}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the value from the dropdown based on index.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: Only numerical values are allowed in input. The index starts with “0” which will be the first value from the dropdown/list
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the provided index_Value will be selected in the dropdown/list and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {SelectIndex}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the value from the dropdown based on the text provided in the input.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Input Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the provided value will be selected in the dropdown/list and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {SelectText}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if all the input values provided by the user are present in the dropdown.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<InputValue>; <InputValue1>; …; <InputValueN>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the Value(s) will be verified and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyAll}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify the user provided input count with the total number of options present in the dropdown.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Count Value>
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the count value will be verified and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyCount}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to compare the user provided input value with the selected value in the dropdown.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches with the value selected in the dropdown.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the selected value will be verifies and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifySelected}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if the input value(s) provided by the user is/are present in the dropdown.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<InputValue>; <InputValue1>;…; <InputValueN>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the Value(s) will be verified and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {VerifyVal}.