Number Picker
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Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to set the number in the number picker of the AUT.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the number will be set as specified in the input and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable (if specified).
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to get the number from the number picker in the AUT.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the number will be fetched and stored in variable {number} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the second output variable (if specified).
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify the number from the number picker of the AUT with the user-specified input.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
For the above keyword, after the test case debug, the user-specified number will be verified with the number fetched from the number picker and its result will be stored in the variable {verifyNum} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable (if specified).