XML and JSON Operations
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Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the number of blocks in the given input and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<XML block/ JSON block>;<XML blockname/ JSON parentblockname1>.<parent_blocknameN (optional)>; <JSON parent_block1_index>,<JSON parent_blockn_index> (optional)
XML/JSON files
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below for JSON:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the number of blocks in the given input and saves the result in the output variable {result} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the second output variable if provided.
Note: For JSON inputs, the block count of block with a certain key-value pair can be fetched. Syntax: <JSON_block>; <parent_blockname>.<child_block/key_name>:<child_block/key_value>; <parent_blockindex>.<child_blockindex>
Find the snippet of the keyword below for JSON, when fetching block count based on key-value pair match:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the number of blocks in the given input which match the criteria of the key ‘pin’ to have the value ‘560012’ and saves the result in the output variable {result} and the execution status “True” / “False” will be stored in the second output variable, if provided.
Find the snippet of the keyword below for XML:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the number of blocks in the given input and saves the result in the output variable {A} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the value of the XML block/tag specified by the user and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<XML tag name>; <number of blocks to be fetched>; <block name>
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below for XML:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the value of the XML block and saves the result in the output variable {B} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the variable {GetBlockValue}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the tag value from the input provided by the user and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<XML block/ XML tags>; <number>; <block name>; <tag name>
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below for XML:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the value from the input provided and saves the result in the output variable {C} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the variable {TagValue}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the value of the specified key from the input provided by the user and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<JSON block>; <parent_key1>.<parent_keyn> (optional); <parent_block1_index>, <parent_blockn_index> (optional), <key_count>; <key_name>
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below for JSON:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the key’s value from the input provided and saves the result in the output variable {getKeyValue}. In this example, {getKeyValue} will hold “Blueberry”.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to set the value of the specified key from the input provided by the user and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<JSON block>;
<parent_key1>. <parent_keyn>; <parent_block1_index>, <parent_blockn_index>, <key_count>;<key_name>;<key_value>
Static values
Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below for JSON:
In the above example after the test case debug, it sets the key’s value from the input provided and saves the result in the output variable {setKeyValue}. In this example, “Devils Food” will be replaced by “Heavens Food” and {setKeyValue} will hold the changed JSON.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if 2 JSON files or 2 JSON data match or do not match.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<File_path - Original File/Input Text (Original)>; <File_path - File to Compare/Input Text (Changed)>
JSON file path
JSON data
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example after the test case debug, the JSON files are compared and the match result (True/ False) will be stored in the output variable {result}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the block data based on the given block xpath.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
XML file
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example after the test case debug, it fetches the block data based on the block xpath given in the input and saves the result in the output variable {BlockData}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to compare the block data with the xml file specified whose block xpath is provided.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<block Data from getXmlBlockData keyword>;
<block xpath in file provided>
XML file
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example after the test case debug, it compares the block data provided by the getXmlBlockData kewyords with the file based on its block xpath and stores the comparison result in the output variable {result}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to use the specified block data (based on block xpath) and compare the block data between 2 XML files.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<XML_file_path - Original File>; <XML_file_path - File to Compare>;<all/selective - output result (optional)>; <block xpath_in_file_
XML file
Static values/ Dynamic variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example after the test case debug, it compares the block data provided between the XML files and stores the comparison result in the output variable {result}.