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Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to perform click operation on the table cell given in the input.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row number>; <column number>; <Object_Type_Input>; <Index>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: Input Syntax-
S. No.
Object Type
Object_Type_Input: Object type of the cell for which click action is to be performed. Index: Index of the object in the cell. Index starts with 1 (default index).
For example: If there are two buttons in a table cell (2, 3), to perform click operation on the second button, user should provide input in the following format- 2; 3; button; 2
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it will perform click operation on the table cell given in the input and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {click}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the tool tip text of the table cell and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: If multiple objects have tool tip defined, at present only the tool tip of the first object of the cell will be fetched.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will fetch the tool tip text of the table cell and stores it in variable {gettooltip} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {gettool}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the value present in the specified cell of the table and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Row>; <Column>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it fetches the value present in the specified cell of the table and saves it in variable {get} and the execution status “True"/ “False” will be stored in variable {getCell}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch column number of the given input text and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Input Text>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
If multiple matches found, user should display/ use the values using array. For Ex: {Variable[0]};{Variable[1]}
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
User can get the row/column number using partial/complete text.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it fetches the column number of the given input text and stores it in {ColByText} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {colbyText_Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the count of the total number of columns present in the table and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it gives the total number of column present in the table and stores it in {colCount} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {column}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the xpath of the inner table (dynamic tables) and save it as the reference variable in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num> (optional)
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it saves the xpath of the inner table in the output variable {innerTable}.
Note: This output variable can be further referenced and operations on the inner table can be performed by passing this output variable as the input in @Object keywords.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the count of the total number of rows present in the table and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
{Variable}; {Status}
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it gives the total number of row present in the table and stores it in {rowCount} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {row}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch row number of the given input text and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Input Text>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
If multiple matches found, user should display/ use the values using array. For Ex: {Variable[0]};{Variable[1]}
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
User can get the row/column number using partial/complete text.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it fetches the row number of the given input text and stores it in {rowbyText} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {rowbyText_Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the selected value from the dropdown/list which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <dropdown/ listbox>; <elementIndex>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it fetches the selected value from the dropdown/list which is in the table cell and stores it in variable {getselected} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {Sel}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to fetch the status of the radio button/checkbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <object_type>; <elementIndex>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will fetch the checkbox status and store it in variable {getStatus} and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to perform a mouse click on the specified cell in the input for the table object.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Row>; <Column>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the object in the specified cell is clicked and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {MouseClick}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the value from the dropdown based on the text provided in the input for dropdown/list which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <dropdown/ listbox>; <elementIndex>; <keywordInput (value/option to be selected, exact text)>
{Variable}; {Status}
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
This keyword requires exact match. Due to browser rendering, if the value contains trailing/leading spaces, the keyword will fail.
This keyword will pass only if the input value matches the values present in the application under test.
This keyword selects the values given in the input. To see selected values, tester should use “getSelected” keyword after the select keyword.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it selects the value from the dropdown based on the text provided in the input which is in the table cell and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {SelText}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the options based on index value specified in input for dropdown/list.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <dropdown/ listbox>; <elementIndex>; <keywordInput>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: Only numerical values are allowed in input. Index starts with “0” which will be the first value from the dropdown/list.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it selects the options based on the index value specified in input for dropdown/list and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {index}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to select the options based on the text provided in input for dropdown/list which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <dropdown/ listbox>; <elementIndex>; <keywordInput>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it selects the value from the dropdown based on the text provided in input and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {text}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if the tool tip text is present in the specified table cell and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <inputValue>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if ‘bank’ is the tool tip text in table cell (2, 1) and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {verifytool}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if the input value is present in the specified table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Row>; <Column>; <Input Value>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the input value is present in the specified table cell and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {verify}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if the text given in the input is present in the table.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Input Value>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it verifies if the given text input is present in the table and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {textExist}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to enter text in textbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: The “sendvalue” keyword can be used as an alternative.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will set the provided text and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SetTextTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to send individual keystrokes to the textbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the text will be entered in the specified textbox and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SendValueTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to accept an encrypted text and pass the decrypted value in to the application’s textbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Encrypted Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: In order to provide encrypted text as input to setSecureText keyword, user should encrypt the required text using “AES Encryption” from the tool encryption utilities.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the decrypted text will be entered in the specified textbox and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {SecuredText}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to accept an encrypted text and send the individual keystrokes to the application’s textbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Encrypted Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Note: In order to provide encrypted text as input to sendSecureValue keyword, user should encrypt the required text using “AES Encryption” from the tool encryption utilities.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the decrypted text will be entered in the specified textbox and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {sendSecureValueTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to clear the text from the textbox which is in the table cell.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it clears the text from the textbox and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {ClearTextTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to get the text from the textbox which is in the table cell and save the results in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>
{Variable}; {Status}
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the text of the textbox will be fetched and stored in variable {getTextTable} and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable { getTextStatus}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to get the maximum text box length defined by the developer of the textbox which is in the table cell and save the result in the output variable.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>
{Variable}; {Status}
Note: This keyword fetches the maximum number of supported characters by the text box not the user input character length.
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the maximum length of textbox will be fetched and stored in variable {len} and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {Status}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify if the text present in the textbox (which is in the table cell) is the same as that present in the input field.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the text provided will be verified and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {verifyTextTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to verify the maximum length of the text box which is in the table cell to the value that is provided in the input field.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row_num>; <col_num>; <textbox>; <Element_Index>; <Text>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the maximum length of textbox is verified with the input provided and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {verifyLenTable}.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to perform a double click operation on the table cell given in the input.
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<row number>; <column number>; <Object_Type_Input>; <Index>
Static Values
Dynamic Variables
Find the snippet of the keyword below:
In the above example, after the test case debug, it will perform a double click operation on the table cell given in the input and the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in the output variable if provided.
Description: This keyword or action instructs ICE to accept an encrypted text and send the individual keystrokes to the application’s textbox within a scraped table.
Following is the syntax for performing the operation on a textbox which exists within a scraped table object:
Input Syntax
Output Syntax
Supported Input Formats
<Row>; <Col>; <ObjectType>; <Index>; <Encrypted Text>
Static values
Dynamic Variables
In order to provide encrypted text as input to sendSecureFunctionKeys keyword, user should encrypt the required text using “AES Encryption” from the tool encryption utilities.
Find the snippet of the keyword below, with input specified by a dynamic variable:
In the above example, after the test case debug, the decrypted text will be entered in the first textbox present at the cell referenced at the 22nd row and 4th column and the execution status “Fail”/ “Pass” will be stored in variable {output}.