Accessing Dashboard

Access the Dashboard and the various access privileges based on the user roles

Log in as a valid Avo Assure user, and click on the ‘Dashboard’ plugin from the landing page.

Dashboards can be accessed by all Avo Assure users. All Avo Assure users will have the access to view/export the Default Dashboard.

Default Dashboard: This dashboard provides the default sections/widgets and a summarized view of the data from Avo Assure. This is named as ‘Generic’ for all users (but the data within it will depend on the projects assigned to the user).

The interaction between the user and the Dashboard depends on the user role as explained below:

Dashboard privileges for ‘Test Manager’:

  • Test Manager can create/edit/share/delete new dashboards/widgets (except default dashboard).

  • Test Manager can switch between the Edit and View modes.

Dashboard privileges for other user roles:

  • The user can only view the default and any other shared dashboard.

  • The user has the ability to export the default and any other shared dashboards.

  • The user has the ability to delete the shared dashboards from his view. By doing so, this user’s username will be removed from the ‘Shared’ list of the original dashboard.

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