Test Step execution overview

The test step execution is the activity that runs a test on a component or system, producing actual results.

Test step execution involves executing the test scripts in the test environment on the AUT. In test automation, this can be achieved in one of the ways:

  1. Running the test that has been scripted on a local machine.

  2. Running the test scripts in parallel on multiple machines or the cloud.

The Test Cases can be scheduled to execute at a particular time or triggered from an external orchestrator tool. This is particularly the case in the continuous testing process.

Avo Assure provides the following methods of test step execution.

  1. Execute Now

  2. CI/CD Execution (Parallel)

  3. Schedule

In addition to the above, Avo Assure integrates seamlessly with orchestrator tools through its open APIs.

For more information, refer to Executing a Test Flow.

The test step execution screen includes the Execution Profile Name, Execution Action, and Action.

  1. Execution Profile Name: The user can view the execution profile name.

  2. Execution Action: The execution action includes Execute, Schedule, and CI/CD.

    • Execute: For more information, refer to the Execute section.

    • Schedule: Scheduling is the process of automating the execution of test steps at predefined times or intervals. The user can schedule when and how frequently the test steps should run without requiring manual interaction. For more information, refer to the Schedule section.

    • CI/CD: CI/CD comprises continuous integration and continuous delivery or deployment by automating the various phases of CI/CD, such as builds, testing, and deployment. CI/CD enables the rapid and consistent shipping of code changes. It supports the automation of test cases and works seamlessly with pipeline tools. For more information, refer to the CI/CD section.

  3. Action: The action includes the execution profile edit icon and execution profile delete icon.

    • Execution Profile Edit Icon: The "execution profile edit icon" allows users to modify or update the parameters of an execution profile. If the user clicks the execution profile edit icon, the execution profile window will be displayed. The user can view and modify the parameters associated with that profile. For more information, refer to the Execution Profile Edit section.

    • Execution Profile Delete Icon: The "execution profile delete icon" allows users to delete the execution profile. For more information, refer to the Execution Profile Delete section.

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