
qTest Integration in Avo Assure


qTest integration with Avo Assure is the feature that allows:

  1. Mapping qTest test case(s) with Avo Assure scenario(s), and

  2. Updating the status of execution in qTest after the execution of the test suite has been performed in Avo Assure.


  1. Ensure that the qTest URL is working.

  2. Click on the ‘Test Plan’ tab. Under this tab, ‘Releases’ should be created.

3. Click on the ‘Test Design’ tab and create Module(s).

4. Right-click on the newly created or existing module and click on ‘New’ -> ‘New Test Case’.

5. Select the newly added or existing ‘Test Case’ and scroll down to add Test Steps. Click on Save, Approve and Create Test Run buttons, in order.

6. In the ‘Test Execution’ tab, add a ‘New Test Suite’.

7. Select the newly added or existing “Test Suite” and click on Add “New Test Run” option at the top.

8. Click on the ‘Test Case’ tab to map the ‘Test Case’ with the newly created or existing ‘Test Run’ and then click on ‘Add’.

9. Test Case(s) will be added to the Test Suite in Test Execution.

10. In Avo Assure, scenarios should be created (for these to be mapped).

Last updated