
Jenkins Integration in Avo Assure


  1. For the installation of Jenkins, make sure port number 8080 is free.

  2. Java must be globally available (JAVA_HOME path must be set in the environment variable).

  3. Install Jenkins using the 'War' file using the following command: java –jar jenkins.war

Execution using Jenkins (Freestyle Project)

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and complete the configuration steps.

  2. Install HTTP Request Plugin, if not available. Note: Click on Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins Available > Install HTTP Request Plugin.

  3. Create a new item of type Freestyle project.

4. Add Build Step of type HTTP Request with the following configuration. URL: https://< Avo Assure Application URL >/ExecuteTestSuite_ICE_SVN HTTP Mode: POST Ignore SSL Errors: Yes

5. Advanced configuration should look like below:

  1. Authorization: None

  2. Headers – Accept: Application JSON

  3. Headers – Content-Type: Application JSON

  4. Pass build params to URL: No

  5. Request body: <Execution request data prepared above>

  6. File Upload: None

  7. Response Connection timeout: 0

  8. Response codes expected: 100:399

  9. Response body in console: Yes

6. After filling in all the required configuration details, click on 'Save'.

7. Before starting the execution, make sure that the ICE engine is connected.

8. Click on 'Build Now' (in the left panel). The execution will begin in Avo Assure’s ICE.

9. Once the execution is completed, reports will be generated and can be viewed in Avo Assure's Report plugin.

10. Jenkins will also have response data that looks like the below image. This data is available in the console output of the build job.

Execution using Jenkins (Pipeline)

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and complete the configuration steps.

  2. Install HTTP Request Plugin, if not available. Note: Click on Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins Available > Install HTTP Request Plugin.

  3. Create a new item of type Pipeline.

  4. Navigate to the Pipeline tab.

  5. Click on the Pipeline Syntax link to generate the Pipeline Script.

  6. The Pipeline Syntax's Snippet Generator will be launched in a new window/tab of the same browser. Switch to this new window/tab to generate the Pipeline Script.

  7. Select the httpRequest option from the Sample Step dropdown.

  8. Provide appropriate information for the fields URL, HTTP mode, and Ignore Ssl errors?.

  9. Click on the Advanced button.

  10. Specify appropriate information for the fields (displayed for Advanced configurations) Accept, Content-Type, Response body in console? and Request body.

  11. Click on the Add button under Custom headers.

  12. Specify the header and its value for X-ICE-Name.

  13. Similarly, click on the Add button to add the headers and their values for X-TOKEN-NAME and X-TOKEN-HASH.

  14. After the headers and their values for X-TOKEN-NAME and X-TOKEN-HASH are specified, click on the Generate Pipeline Script button.

  15. Select and copy the generated Pipeline Script.

  16. Switch back to the initial window/tab where the Pipeline Script is to be specified and paste the copied data into the Script field of the Pipeline Script.

  17. Click on the Apply button to save the Pipeline Script.

  18. Click on the Save button to navigate to the Pipeline project.

  19. Click on the Build Now option to begin execution.

  20. The build under execution will be displayed in progress.

  21. Once the execution is completed, click on the build number.

  22. Click on the Console Output option to view the response.

  23. The response of the execution will be displayed along with its execution status.

Last updated