Keyword Stabilization Text box

Title: Keyword Stabilization TextBox

Why was this developed?

In the previous version of the Avo assure, setText and setSecureText keywords were not working for some text boxes. As an alternative send function key and send values key were used. Since these keywords has some limitations. Now, Avo Assure team has updated setText and setSecureText keywords that support all textboxes.

How does it look?

In the above example, after the test case debug, the operation will support all textboxes.

How does it work?

Description: This keyword or action instructs setText and setSecureText keywords that support all textboxes.


Input Syntax

Output Syntax

Supported Input Formats


<Input Text>


  • Text

  • Static Values

  • Dynamic Variables


<Encrypted Text>


  • Text

  • Static Values

  • Dynamic Variables

How can I get this?

If the user upgrades to latest version of Avo Assure to 23.1.0, then this keyword will be available automatically.

Last updated