In Sprint Automation

Why was this developed?

In the previous version of the Avo assure, In-Sprint automation was impossible because Avo Assure requires a completed application to start the automation. A completed application is only available at the end of the sprint. Now, with the in-sprint automation feature, the user can design the test cases by looking at the user stories and later, the user can capture the actual element and map when the application is ready.

How does it look?

Add Element

Map Element

How does it work?

Add Element

  1. The user has to click the Add Element button present in the capture element window.

  1. The system will display Add Element window, as shown below.

  1. The user has to enter the element name in Enter Element name box and select the element type from the Select Element Type dropdown, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Add icon to add multiple elements and the Delete icon to delete specific elements, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Submit button to complete the process or click the Reset button to reset the changes.

  1. After submitting, the newly added object will be displayed and the system will display a toast message, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Save button to save the elements.

Map Element

  1. The user has to click the Map Element button present in the capture window, as shown below.

  1. The system will display a Map Element window, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Show All Elements button to view all the objects.

  1. The user has to click the input button under Custom Elements, the elements present in the input will display, as shown below.

  1. To map the element, drag the element from Captured Element section and drop it on the element present in the Custom Element section.

  1. The user has to click the Un-link button to unlink the mapped object, as shown below.

  1. The user has to click the Submit button to complete the mapping process. And the system will display a toast message as Mapped Scrape Data Successfully. Note: a) To successfully map the element, the element type of the identified and custom elemenet should be the same. b) If the user has created a test case using the custom element, the user can keep the test case the same after mapping. The element will be updated in the test case too.

How can I get this?

If the user upgrades to the latest version of Avo Assure to 23.1.0, this feature will be available automatically.

Last updated