Dashboard Server Configuration


  1. Ensure Avo Assure Database (AvoAssureDB service) is running.

  2. Ensure Cache Database is up and running.

Setting up the Dashboard Server

If JIRA data is required to be imported into Dashboard as part of Dashboard widgets, then perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard Folder.

  2. Open .env file.


4. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder.

5. Type “import-JIRA.bat” and hit enter.

6. Wait until the “completed jira import!” message is displayed.

7. Close the command prompt.

Starting the Dashboard Server

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder.

  2. Type “run.bat” and hit enter.

Stopping the Dashboard Server

  1. Close the command prompt window in which the Dashboard Server is running.

Installing the Dashboard Server as a Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder.

  2. Type install-service.bat and hit enter.

Starting the Dashboard Server as a Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder. Note: avoassureDashboard.exe service should be installed.

  2. Type start-service.bat and hit enter.

Stopping the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder. Note: avoassureDashboard.exe service should be running.

  2. Type stop-service.bat and hit enter.

Removing the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder. Note: avoassureDashboard.exe service should be in the stopped state.

  2. Type remove-service.bat and hit enter.

Restarting the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the Dashboard folder.

  2. Run the following commands in sequential order i.e., only after the previous command has been completed:

    • Type stop-service.bat and hit enter.

    • Type remove-service.bat and hit enter.

    • Type install-service.bat and hit enter.

    • Type start-service.bat and hit enter.

Last updated