DAS Configuration

Instructions to configure the Avo Assure DAS

DAS - Data Access Server


  1. Ensure that the License Server is running.

  2. Ensure Avo Assure Database is running.

  3. Ensure Cache Database is running.

  4. The user should have the system IP of the machine where the License Server is running.

  5. The user should have the system IP of the machine where the Avo Assure Database is running.

  6. The user should have the system IP of the machine where the Cache Database is running.

Setting up

  1. Extract the ‘AvoAssure_DAS.zip’ or ‘AvoAssure_DAS.7z’ file.

2. Navigate to the DAS folder. 3. Open the ‘server_config.json’ file.

4. Update fields as follows:

  1. ‘licenseserverip’ to system IP of the machine where License Server is running.

  2. ‘host’ in AvoAssuredb to system IP of the machine where Avo Assure Database is running.

  3. ‘host’ in cachedb to system IP of the machine where Cache Database is running.

  4. Save and close the configuration file.

5. To store database credentials for DAS configuration, perform the following:

  • Open an elevated command prompt in DAS folder.

  • Type the following command, for storing AvoAssureDB credentials: “AvoAssureDAS.exe avoassuredb --username <username> --password <password>”.

  • Type the following command, for storing CacheDB credentials: “AvoAssureDAS.exe cachedb --password <password>”.

  • For help: AvoAssureDAS.exe –h

Note: After passing the above commands, a token file will be created.

Starting the Server

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder.

  2. Type ‘run.bat’ and hit enter.

  3. On successful start, you will receive the following message: Serving on http://<hostname_of_system>:1990

4. To verify whether DAS is running successfully, navigate to “” in a browser from the same machine in which DAS is running. The response should be: ‘Data Server Ready!!!'

Stopping the Server

  1. Close the command prompt window in which DAS is running.

Installing the Server as a Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder.

  2. Type ‘install-service.bat’ and hit enter.

Starting the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder. Note: AvoAssureDAS service should already be installed.

  2. Type ‘start-service.bat’ and hit enter.

Stopping the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder. Note: AvoAssureDAS service should be running.

  2. Type ‘stop-service.bat’ and hit enter.

Removing the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder. Note: AvoAssureDAS service should already be in the stopped state.

  2. Type ‘remove-service.bat’ and hit enter.

Restarting the Windows Service

  1. Open an elevated command prompt in the DAS folder.

  2. Run the following commands in sequential order i.e., only after the previous command has been completed:

    1. Type ‘stop-service.bat’ and hit enter.

    2. Type ‘remove-service.bat’ and hit enter.

    3. Type ‘install-service.bat’ and hit enter.

    4. Type ‘start-service.bat’ and hit enter.


In case any of the above-mentioned steps fail, ensure the following points have been taken care of:

  1. Commands are being run with an elevated command prompt (i.e., prompt has Administrator privileges).

  2. Ensure port 1990 is available and not used by any other program.

  3. There are no spaces or special characters (such as ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) + - = { } , . ; ' [ ] ~ `) in the folder name (and entire path) where the DAS is being extracted. Example:

    1. Valid: D:\AvoAssure\Server\DAS\

    2. Invalid: D:\AvoAssure install files\Server\DAS\

    3. Invalid: D:\AvoAssure\Server@files\DAS\

  4. If all the above scenarios hold true and the server is still not running, please contact Avo Assure Support Team.

Troubleshooting (with Error Messages)

In case the server fails to start and gives one of the following error messages:

  1. [ERROR CODE: 201] Error while registration with LS

    Solution: Check the value of ‘licenseserver’ in the server_config.json file.

    If IP provided is correct, then ensure that the License Server is up and running.

  2. [ERROR CODE: 208] License server must be running

    Problem: Connection to License Server is unavailable

    Solution: After trying 1, restart the server. If this error is still displayed, contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  3. [ERROR CODE: 206] Error while establishing connection to Avo Assure Database

    Solution: Check the host under the AvoAssuredb section in the server_config.json file.

    If the IP provided is correct, then ensure that Avo Assure Database is running.

  4. [ERROR CODE: 217] Error while establishing connection to Cache Database

    Solution: Check the host under cachedb section in the server_config.json file.

    If IP provided is correct, then ensure that the Cache Database is running.

  5. [ERROR CODE: 207] Database connectivity unavailable

    Problem: Either Avo Assure Database or Cache Database is unavailable.

    Solution: After trying 3 and 4, restart the server. If this error is still displayed, contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  6. [ERROR CODE: 211] Another instance of DAS is already registered with the License server

    Problem: The user is trying to run the configured setup on a different machine. If this error is displayed, contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  7. [ERROR CODE: 212] Unable to contact storage areas

    Problem: Setup is corrupted. Components are missing.

    Solution: Contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  8. [ERROR CODE: 213] Critical error in storage areas

    Problem: Setup is corrupted.

    Solution: Contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  9. [ERROR CODE: 214] Please contact Team - Avo Assure. Setup is corrupted

    Problem: Setup is corrupted.

    Solution: Contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  10. [ERROR CODE: 218] Invalid configuration file

    Problem: Some of the values provided in the server_config.json file are invalid.

    Solution: Rectify the invalid values and restart the server.

  11. [ERROR CODE: 222] Unable to contact storage areas: Assist Components

    Problem: Setup is corrupted. Components are missing.

    Solution: Contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  12. [ERROR CODE: 223] Critical error in storage areas: Assist Components

    Problem: Setup is corrupted.

    Solution: Contact Avo Assure Support Team.

  13. [ERROR CODE: 224] Another instance of DAS is already running.

    Solution: Close the already running instance and restart the server.

  14. [ERROR CODE: 225] Port 1990 already in use

    Problem: Another application is already using port 1990.

    Solution: Close the application using the 1990 port and restart the server.

If none of the above scenarios hold true and the server is still not running, please contact Avo Assure Support Team.

Last updated