User Management

User Creation

  1. The admin has to Log in to Avo Assure using valid admin credentials.

  2. To access the Create User window, the admin has to click the "User" button from the Manage action bar.

  3. The admin has to select the user type from the User Type drop-down.

  4. The admin has to enter the details required to create the user. Note: a) Whitespaces are not allowed in the username.

    b) To create a password, please follow these guidelines:

    • The password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numeric digit, and one special character (such as !, @, or #).

    • The password should be between 8 and 16 characters long.

    • The confirm password field must match the password field exactly.

    c) Ensure that the email address you entered is in a valid format.

  5. The admin has to select the user role from the Select User Role drop-down.

  6. If the admin wishes to clear the entered details, click the Clear button.

  7. The admin has to click the Create button to create the user. Note: Avo Assure can be integrated with external user management systems. a) LDAP (Refer to the ‘LDAP’ section for more information) b) SAML (Refer to the ‘SAML’ section for more information) c) OpenID (Refer to the ‘OpenID’ section for more information).

Edit User Details

  1. The admin has to click the Edit button.

  2. The admin needs to Search and Select a user from the Search User box.

  3. The admin has to Edit the required details. Note: a) The fields for First Name, Last Name, Password, and Email can be updated. b) The "Primary Role" assigned to the user during the creation process cannot be changed.

  4. The admin has to click the Update button.

Delete User

  1. The admin has to click the Edit button.

  2. The admin needs to Search and Select a user from the Search User box. 

  3. The admin has to click the Delete button. Note: If the user wants to delete the user, the user has to click the 'Yes' button. If the user wants to continue with the user, then the user has to click the 'No' button.

Last updated