SMTP Server Advance Configuration

Advanced Configurations for SMTP Server

The parameters configured in the previous section so far, are mandatory ones. However, the Admin can use advanced configuration options provided by Avo Assure to further fine-tune the settings.


  • These settings should only be configured if Admin has adequate knowledge about SMTP servers.

  • All advanced configuration options are optional.

Advanced SMTP server details can be configured as follows:

  1. Connection Timeout: This value specifies how long Avo Assure should wait for a response from SMTP Server while establishing a connection before declaring the connection as dead. This field can be left blank if no custom value is needed. The minimum recommended value is 60000.

  2. Greeting Timeout: This value specifies how long Avo Assure should wait for an initial acknowledgment response from SMTP Server before assuming that message cannot be sent on this server. This field can be left blank if no custom value is needed. The minimum recommended value is 300000.

  3. Socket Timeout: This value specifies how long Avo Assure should wait while sending/receiving data to/from SMTP Server before assuming that connection with the server is lost. This field can be left blank if no custom value is needed. The minimum recommended value is 60000.

  4. If there are multiple users in Avo Assure, then it is recommended to use a connection pool. If the connection pool is not used, then a new connection is set up every time a mail has to be sent. This increases network traffic and reduces efficiency.

  5. If there is a need to use the connection pool, then check ‘Use Connection Pool’. After checking this checkbox, the ‘Max Connections’ and ‘Max Messages’ fields are enabled.

  6. Max Connections’ and ‘Max Messages’ values are optional and should be set according to what the SMTP server allows and supports.

  7. Proxy settings can be enabled if SMTP Server or Avo Assure is behind a proxy.

  8. [If ‘Use Proxy’ option is checked] Enter the proxy server URL.

  9. If the proxy server needs authentication, then check ‘Proxy Require Credentials’. After checking this checkbox, the ‘Proxy User’ and ‘Proxy Password’ fields are enabled.

  10. Fill in the ‘Proxy User’ and ‘Proxy Password’ fields with valid plain-text data. These credentials are stored in the database in AES 256 encrypted format.

11. After all the needed parameters are configured, click on the ‘Update’ button.

This completes the SMTP Server configuration process.

Last updated