Git Configuration

Git Configuration – Creation

A Git user should be created to perform any type of Git action (import and export). In Avo Assure, the Git user is created at the project level.

  1. Log in to the admin screen and click on the ‘Git Configuration’ icon from the action bar (left panel).

2. Select User, Domain, Project.

3. Enter the following fields:

  • Git Configuration: A unique name that is given for the particular user Git configuration.

  • Git Access Token (PAT): Personal access token of the user.

  • Git URL: Git clone path.

  • Git Username: The name given during Git account creation (The commits will be done based on this user name).

  • Git User Email: User email given at the time of Git account creation.

Limitation: While exporting the module to Git, the commit will be done by the specified Git user details. Hence, valid inputs should be given by the user.

4. Click on the ‘Create’ button.

5. Upon successful creation of the Git user, a message ‘Git configuration created successfully’ is displayed.

6. “Project is already Git configured for the specified user.” error message is displayed, if the user tries to create the Git configuration for the already Git configured project.

7. ”Git configuration name already exists.” error message is displayed, if the same name is used for other Git configurations, as the Git Configuration name is unique.

Updating Git Configuration

  1. Log in to the admin screen and click on the ‘Git Configuration’ icon from the action bar (left panel).

2. Click on the ‘Edit’ button.

3. Select User, Domain, and Project. On selection of these, the Git configuration details are populated.

4. Edit the Git configuration details and click on the ‘Update’ button.

5. Upon successful completion, a message ‘Git configuration updated successfully’ is displayed.

6. On selecting a project which is NOT Git configured for the selected Git user, a message ‘No Git configuration created yet.’ is displayed.

Deleting Git Configuration

  1. Log in to the admin screen and click on the ‘Git Configuration’ icon from the action bar (left panel).

2. Click on the ‘Edit’ button.

3. Select the Git User, domain, and project. On selecting the project, the Delete button is enabled.

4. Click on the ‘Delete’ button to delete the Git configuration.

5. On successful deletion, a message ‘Git configuration deleted successfully’ is displayed.

Last updated