Avo Assure v22.2.0

This Release Note is intended to showcase all the development work tagged to Avo assure version 22.2.0 The document is segregated in three sections: New Features, Enhancements and Bug Fixes.

PS: Bug fixes are more of information sake and if you need more information then please feel free to contact us: Support@Avoautomation.com

New Features 1:

Title: Revamped Installation Screen for New Users- Windows & MAC

Why was this developed?

Existing installation wizard was not intuitive and did not offer different onboarding experience for Windows Vs Mac users.

How it Works?

**Applicable only to new Avo assure users**

Note: In case of ICE update availability, the user can click on “Download ICE” option from the User Profile.

How does it look?

For Windows: Click on the Avo Assure URL (shared by admin) >> “Terms and Conditions” and click on “I Agree” >> Click on “Download Now” >> Start User Journey

For MAC: Click on the Avo Assure URL (shared by admin) >> “Terms and Conditions” and click on “I Agree” >> Select OS (Catalina, Monterey or Bigsur) and click on “Download Now” >> Start User Journey

How can I get this?

Welcome wizard will be experienced by only those users who are downloading the application for the first time. Existing users won’t get to experience this.

New Feature 2:

Title: Recurrence Pattern for Test Execution Schedule

Why was this developed?

Earlier there was no way for the users to schedule the test case executions multiple times at regular intervals.

The recurrence schedule feature was developed to automate the test execution at Module and scenario level multiple times as required.

Note: This will be visible to new as well as existing Avo assure users.

How it Works?

Tasks (Module and scenario level) can be created in recurring schedule as a One time, Daily, Weekly and Monthly.

This option enables the user to select the frequency to schedule the tasks as per the requirement such as one Time, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Each of scheduling options includes additional settings as specified below.

A) Schedule the Task:

  1. Go to my tasks and Click on Execute module in home page.

2. Clicking on Schedule from the action bar (scroll down)

Module Level execution:

Scenario level execution:


  • In the module level execution, all scenarios under the module will be listed and all the Scenario check boxes will be selected by default. (Can be customized /unselect the check boxes based on the requirement).

  • In the Scenario level execution, all scenarios under the module will be listed but only that particular scenario check box will be selected by default. (Can be customized /select the check boxes if required).

3. Select Scenario and Click on Select frequency

4. On clicking Select Frequency, the Recurrence pattern will be displayed.

5. Select the recurrence pattern, and select date and time (Select date option is enabled only for One Time recurrence pattern)

6. After setting the time, select the browser(s)

7. Click on Schedule button

8. After clicking on Schedule button, Select ICE as shown below and Click on Schedule button

9. The pop-up is displayed as “Successfully Scheduled”

10. The execution will be triggered as per the given input (Recurring Schedule)

How does it look?

Go to Avo Assure Home page >> Select Module Execution or Scenario level execution from the Task list >> Click on Schedule from the left panel (scroll down) >> Schedule screen will be displayed as below.

How can I get this?

Available automatically with the upgrade

  • Login to Avo Assure with valid credentials

  • Create a mindmap and assign or assign the existing mindmap

  • Go to My tasks in the landing page

  • Select module execution or Scenario execution

  • Scroll down and select the Schedule option from the Action Bar

New Feature 3:

Title: Password reset on first time login attempt

Why was this developed?

For a new user, application is not providing any temporary password and letting user create one at first login attempt.

How it works?

1.Navigate to Avo Assure Login screen. Click on ‘Username’.

2. Enter Username and Password that was given by admin. Then Click on ‘’Login’’ button.

3. Once logged in, the ‘’Change Password’’ screen is displayed

New Password must meet the following requirements:

  • Must contain minimum 8 characters and maximum 16 characters.

  • Must include at least one Uppercase and one Lowercase character.

  • Must include at least any one special character (!, @, #,$,%,^,&,*).

  • Must be at least one numeral.

4. Create a new password as per above instructions, and if the user enters invalid password, system throws the validation error.

5. Then Click on ‘change password’ button in the popup. User will see the toast message as “Password Changed Successfully”.

Note: If user enters, invalid password more than 5 times, the user account will be locked as given below in the screenshot and will have to contact support.

6. Click on the ‘’here” link to unlock your account.

7. The User will receive the temporary password through email.

8. Use the temporary password and Click on “Unlock” button.

9. On successfully unlocking the account, user can see the toast message.

How does it look?

How can I get this?

For the first time user, after login into Avo Assure the reset password screen will be displayed by default.

New Feature 4:

Title: Browser Driver Auto Update - Windows and MAC

Why was this developed?

Inorder to initiate the ICE client and establish the connectivity with the server, if the user has the latest browser driver installed, connection will be established else user will have to manually download and update the drivers in destination folder (Downloads >> AvoAssureClient >> AvoAssure_ICE >> AvoAssure >> Lib >> Drivers).

How it works?

Now no need of downloading the driver manually, instead, it is automatically updated in the driver folder (backend process), run the ICE and connect to Avo Assure ICE.

How does it look?

When the user connects to the ICE, Browser compatibility check started, and it is supporting chrome, Firebox, IE, and Edge Chromium then the Browser compatibility check will be completed.

How can I get this?

No action needed from the users end.

Enhancement 1:

Title: Keyword Addition to getPageCount for Generic Object

Why was this developed?

This getPageCount is a keyword used to fetch the number of pages from a pdf file.

Note: This keyword is only supporting PDF format files

How it Works?

Go to My Task(s) >> Select any Design Test case >> Add and edit Object name >> Select @Generic >> Select getPageCount keyword >> Give PDF document File path and File name >> Save >> Debug >> Execute.

How does it look?

In the above example after the test case debug, the operation will fetch the total number of pages available in PDF files.


  • The getPageCount keyword is not supported for ".xls/ .docx" files. In addition, this keyword will work only for “Doc’s file” in Windows OS.

How can I get this?

This keyword will be automatically populated under generic object name as part of application upgrade.

Enhancement 2:

Title: Keyword Addition to getChildElements for Web element Object

Why was this developed?

This getChildElements is a keyword used to get the child element tags present in the parent element as output.

How it Works?

Go to My Task(s) >> Select any Design Test case >> Select Scraped element under Object Name >> Select getChildElements keyword >> Give input as “tag” >> Save >> select Debug on any browsers >> Execute.

How does it look?

In the above example after the test case debug, ICE will fetch the child element tags present in parent element and the output will be stored in the variable {variable1}. And the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {status1}.

How can I get this?

When the user selects the scraped elements in Object Name, the getChildElements will be automatically populated under the Keyword.

Enhancement 3:

Title: Keyword Addition to getChildElementCount for Web element Object

Why was this developed?

This getChildElementCount is a keyword used to get the count of the child elements present in the parent element.

How it Works?

Go to My Task(s) >> Select any Design Test case >> Select Scraped element under Object Name >> Select getChildElementCount keyword >> in Input “tag name” is Optional >>Save >> select Debug on any browsers >> Execute.

How does it look?

In the above example after the test case debug, ICE will fetch the total number of child elements present in parent element, and the output will be stored in the variable {variable1}. And the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {status1}.

Note: If the user gives different input (tag name) such as li, etc. the output will be the total number of child elements (input) present in parent element. and the output will be stored in the variable {variable2}. Moreover, the execution status “True”/ “False” will be stored in variable {status2}.

How can I get this?

This keyword will be automatically populated under generic object name as part of application upgrade.

Enhancement 4:

Title: Mind map – Email Notification (True/False) Config file Change

Why was this developed?

Upon each time assigning/unassigning of nodes, the tagged user used to get numerous emails.

How it Works?

Inside the config.json in the object enableNotification, a user can make "assignTabMindmap”: true/false.

Note: True is for enabling the notification service whereas false is to disable the notification service.

How does it look?

  1. For enabling the notification service

2. For disabling the notification service

How can I get this?

Go to AvoAssure_WebServer >> webserver >> server>> config >> config.json.

Enhancement 5:

Title: Salesforce Support on Multiple DOMs

Why was this developed?

Initially Avo Assure product was supporting only web pages with single DOM (Document objects model) in Salesforce application. Due to operations on webpage, some elements' X path might change. To revert it back to what we had scraped, the user has to refresh the page.

How it works?

We have added functionality to our product, to support web pages with multiple DOMs.

Therefore, when a user refreshes the page, X path remains constant. The User should refresh the page before identifying those Objects during debugging and execution.

How does it look?

Original x path : /html/body/div[4]/div[1]/section/div[2]/div[1]/div[5]/ul/li[3]/div/div/button

Changed x path : /html/body/div[4]/div[1]/section/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/ul/li[3]/div/div/button

How can I get this?

The user can refreshes the page manually, or using through the ‘refresh’ Keyword.

Enhancement 6:

Title: Zephyr Changes to Support Version of 7.9 (API)

Why was this developed?

The client was not able to find the folder details In Zephyr version of 7.9. Moreover, it was showing only the test cases when there was no error in Postman.

How it Works?

We have replaced the existing API to new API in backend to resolve this issue.

How does it look?

Now the user able to find the folders and Test cases as below given the screenshot.

How can I get this?

Users get this as part of application upgrade.

Enhancement 7:

Why was this developed?

It is more like a read only information, so that incase of troubleshooting with support or to consume the information, user is aware of the webserver version.

How it works?

The User can view the web server version of the Avo Assure product in footer section.

Login page:

Home page:

How does it look?

Introduced current webserver version of Avo Assure product on footer in Login page and Home page.

How can I get this?

This will be visible right from the time when user downloads the latest Avo assure version.

Enhancement 8:

Title: Avo Assure Support for Mac (Catalina, Monterey & Bigsur)

Why was this developed?

This was developed to increase the Avo Assure coverage for MAC OS (Catalina, Monterey and Bigsur) which was missing in the previous releases of Avo assure.

How it works?

Note: The user can download ICE by selecting any one of the OS (Catalina, Monterey or Bigsur) and click on “Download ICE”.

How does it look?

The user can also download the ICE (if any updates available in ICE) from user profile for the Mac OS (Catalina, Monterey and Bigsur) which is required.

Installation/ Welcome Wizard Screen:

How Can I get this?

User gets to leverage automatically when they download the Avo Assure.

Last updated