Session Management

Details of Active Users and Connected ICEngines

The session management section allows the Admin to view the Active Users and Connected ICEngines along with other details.

Session Management Section

The first division in this section, lists the currently logged in Avo Assure users and their details, such as:

  1. The username of the logged-in user

  2. The role of the user

  3. The date and time of log in

  4. The IP used to log in

The logged-in user can be logged out by the Admin by hovering on the user entry and clicking on the ‘Logout’ button for the selected user.

Admin can logout a logged in Avo Assure user

The second division of this section lists the ICEngines that are connected [at the moment] to the current server. The details specified here are:

  1. The username of the ICEngine (client) connected

  2. The connection mode – Normal / Schedule [Normal – if the 'Schedule' checkbox is unchecked; Schedule – if the 'Schedule' checkbox is checked]

  3. The IP of the client machine

Any connected ICEngine can be disconnected by the Admin by hovering on the selected entry and clicking on the ‘Disconnect’ button.

Admin can disconnect any connected ICEngine

The Admin can refresh the information displayed in this section by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button to identify any new Active users and connected ICEngines.

Last updated
