
Create LDAP Configuration

The LDAP [Lightweight Directory Access Protocol] can be configured as follows:

  1. Log in as an Admin user and navigate to the ‘LDAP Configuration’ section.

  2. Enter a name for the current instance of LDAP configuration.

  3. Enter a valid directory provider URL for the LDAP.

  4. Enter valid base domain names.

  5. Select one of the options for ‘Secure Connection’. By default, the ‘Disable’ option will be selected.

  6. If the option for ‘Secure Connection’ is selected as ‘Enable’, then the user will have to provide a valid TLS certificate.

  7. The authentication type must be chosen. Choose the Anonymous option if there is no need for authentication, else choose the Simple option. On selecting Simple, the Authentication Principal and Authentication Credential fields are enabled.

  8. [If Simple option is selected] Fill the Bind Principal and Bind Credential fields with valid data (username and password for the organizational authentication).

  9. Click on the Test button.

LDAP Configuration Setup

10. The configuration will be tested and if no mistakes were made in the data provided, the Admin will be prompted that the test for the LDAP configuration was successful.

11. After the test has been successful, the ‘Data Mapping Settings’ will be enabled and the Admin can map the fields; as in which fields from the organization directory will be used as the username, first name, last name, and email in Avo Assure.

Data Mapping Settings in LDAP Configuration

12. Once the data mapping is done as required, click on the Create button.

Creation of LDAP configuration

This completes the LDAP configuration process.

Last updated
