DashboardDB Configuration
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Ensure Avo Assure Database (AvoAssureDB service) is running.
Ensure Cache Database is running.
Ensure JAVA is running in the system (Java SE Development Kit 8 and above).
Extract the “DashboardDB.zip” or “DashboardDB.7z” file.
2. Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder.
3. Type “setup.bat” and hit enter.
4. When prompted for Avo Assure admin password, type the password and hit ‘Enter'.
5. Re-enter the Avo Assure admin password and hit ‘Enter'.
6. Then enter the Avo Assure DB user password and hit ‘Enter'.
7. Re-enter the Avo Assure DB user password and hit ‘Enter'.
Note: If any of the steps from 4 – 7 fail, please close the current command prompt and repeat from step 3.
8. Wait till the highlighted messages (as shown below) are displayed below.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder.
Type “run.bat” and hit enter.
Close the command prompt window in which the DashboardDB is running.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder.
Type “install-service.bat” and hit enter.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder. Note: AvoAssureDashboardDatabase service should already be installed.
Type “start-service.bat” and hit enter.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder. Note: AvoAssureDashboardDatabase service should be running.
Type “stop-service.bat” and hit enter.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder. Note: AvoAssureDashboardDatabase service should be in the stopped state.
Type “remove-service.bat” and hit enter.
Open an elevated command prompt in the DashboardDB folder.
Run the following commands in sequential order i.e., only after the previous command has been completed:
Type “stop-service.bat” and hit enter.
Type “remove-service.bat” and hit enter.
Type “install-service.bat” and hit enter.
Type “start-service.bat” and hit enter.